Left La Duquesa 18/5 11.00. 18.30 Abeam Malaga with engine trouble.
Batteries down.
Trying to start engine. It will by no means.
Towed in by fisherman at 21.30. 22.00 alongside in waiting berth.
19/5 10.OO repaired engine and left Malaga for El Candado 12.00.
Fine little marina with helpfull engineer. All filters renewed.
Beach and swimm in the afternoon. Resto in the evening.
20/5 Departure El Candado at 13.15. Arrived Motril 20.00
21/5 Depart Motril to Adra under sail ( wind at last )and arrived Adra
with sputtering motor. Switched to daytank all OK. Adra 21.00 at fishermans
quay?? No other berth free?? Resto in the clubhouse.
22/5 Replaced 2 batteries because old ones were not keeping their charge.
Left 15.20 and  arrived Roquetas del Mar 21.10.
23/5 At Roquetas strong winds stayed in port. This seems a german colony.
Only marina is good.
24/5 Left Roquetas NW 3/4. Want to go to San José but no berth available.
Arrived Carboneras 20.00 with engine in low revs. Moored in fishermans berth
nothing else free. A British boat sailed along with us also with engine
trouble. She moores alongside but loses her engine while mooring.
Fraternizing and solving engine problems with gin and tonic and beers.
25/5 Ordered new water separator for engine; I or the engineer in El Candado
must have tightened the lid to much so it lets air in.Must come from
Almeria.Tomorrow morning I will have it.
26/5 Separator installed, fits exactly with existing couplings. I am lucky.
Departure Carboneras 14.30 arrived Aguillas 20.00.
27/5 Departure 16.45 lost time bleeding engine and made a mistake.
I emptied my daytank not knowing it so I was allways sucking air while
bleeding the engine.
Arrived Mazaron 23.30 moored next to fishingboat because I missed the marina
which was not on my chart.
28/5 Dep. Mazzaron 10.00 and arrival Cartagena 13.00.
29/5 12.20 Dep. Cartagena arrived Torrevieja 20.00. Fine tapas bar/resto.
30/5 Renewed two whashers of the return fuel line at cilinder 3 and 4.
All my problems with the engine slowing down or stopping seem to come from
dirt in the fore tank. This provokes air in the fuelline and also 
prevented the filling up of my little daytank ( 20l). 
Left Torrevieja 10H50 30/5 arrived Calpe 20.45. Tomorrow a big jump to 
Arrived Ibiza wednesday night after some trouble with the engine filters
Fantastic reception at Magda and Dirk Slabbincks house overlooking a bay and

I can check all my emails and bank accounts at their place.
Compuserve and Explorer5 work ok only the telephone line sometimes
fails??Moored in a cala Vadella near a small beach going ashore by tender

Super holiday starting will tour the isles for a week.
Magda returns to Belgium sunday 4/6 and come back end of the week.She will
bring me my mail
We have been here for almost two weeks now and had a good time,
apart from the storm for which we had to shelter in San Antonio 
de Abad.
We were there on the anchorage. There were a few yachts which
went aground and some drifted and had damage. We were on a
good bouy but did not sleep much for two nights.
A dutchman came along and lost his propeller dragging across
a chain; he also lost an anchor and then could get hold of
a bouy on which he moored. The day after I dived with my
bottle to search for his prop but did not find anything;
he has to order a new prop in Holland. In cala Vadella I
cleaned the boat and the propeller underwater with my diving
equipment;this works ok but you cant get all the dirt off.
anyway I gained one knot in speed since cleaning.
Tomorrow we get underway to Formentera, than Mallorca and
Menorca. End of the month, if the sailor feels good, we might
try the crossing to Sardigna??
The boat is doing well for the moment so everything is ok.
16/6 left cala Vadella for Formentera. 

We wanted to anchor off Espalmador but the break of my anchorchain is not working
properly so we went into the marina of Sabina. Alongside 18.30.
17/6 Hired vespa and toured the isle went swimming and eating etc.
16.50 Left Sabina for Santa Eulalia alongside 20.30.
18/6 Left marina for anchorage outside: swimming shopping and
resto. 19/6 05.30 Heavy swell on anchorage,leaving for Mallorca.

Although there is almost no wind the swell is to heavy for
persisting. We turn back and try the anchorage but no good.
Engine gives signs of dirt in filters??
10.30 moored back in marina. Cleaning separator and renewed
all engine filters. There was dirt again.
20/6 12.00 Weather seems fine and forecast ok leaving for
Mayorca Andraitx. Eta 21.00.

20.45 We tow in a spanish yacht with engine trouble and drop
them at the marine. We anchor at 22.15. Spanish crew ask us for
dinner. Excellent parillada de pescado.

22/6 10.15 Leaving for Andraitx at 15.00 we stop at Soller which seems
a nice place. Next day we hire a car and go shopping in Palma. I need
spare filters for the engine.
26/6 Leaving for Pollensa east most point of Mallorca. Arrive at 19.00
30/6 12.00 Leaving for Menorca. 19.00 moored in Ciudadella. Lovely port
in a cala but expensive.

1/7 14.15 Leaving for Fornells where we anchor at 19.00.
2/7 10.00 NEly wind gusting we are drifting. Anchor on the Nside of bay
but even with two anchors still drifting. We manage to get a bouy on the
Sside. Heavy stone holding well. The anchorage is mostly weed which 
seems to be no good.
Watched the football with italian couple, fine people, and had dinner.
Spend a few days with
the italians, they have a car so we went to a nice cala where the
wind was nogood to anchor. Went to Ciutadella for a jazz concert
and visited the isle. 7/7 Shift to the marina Nly storm warning.
Young belgian couple with 28 foot boat awaiting to go golfe de
Lion. They keep waiting. 9/7 Back on the anchorage. Storm was not
so bad but uncomfortable in the marina. 10/7 09.10 Left Fornells
for Mao.13.20 Moored on the floating pontoon at Mao.

Big Port but not interesting. 14/7 09.40 left Mao for Cala Ratjada ( Majorca
).Forecast was SW 3/4 the veering NE 3/4 but in the afternoon we
get SW 5/6 then a calm for one hour with heavy swell then NNE
5/6. 19.30 get in Cala Ratjada. We are lucky because they have a
3 day festivities " Virgen del Carmen" Amost free bbq
and late night dancing. Recital of local songs. And on sunday
night we have a wonderfull fireworks.

17/7 Left C. Ratjada 11.50
for Porto Colom. Fine anchorage but water is not very clear. 19/7
Renewed all filters on the engine. 20/7 Bunkering 200lit.10.20
left for Colonia Sant Jordi. Anchored half way in a nice bay for
a swimm.17.00 Anchored in C.S.Jordi. 21/7 08.10 left for Andratx.
Arrived Andraxt 14.30 on the anchorage.22/7 Hire a car and go
shopping and visiting in Palma. Came back at 19.00 and found the
boat about 150m west of its position. Other yachtsmen have been
avoiding my drifting boat and let go the second anchor. I heave
up the anchors and go to a mooring bouy. The forecast is nogood
anyway. 25/7 0745 left Andraixt for Ibiza . No berth available in
Santa Eulalia or in Ibiza so we continued to Formentera where we
anchor on the east side awaiting berth. 26/7 we shift to west
side of Formentera and anchor close to the marina. 27/7 we get a
berth, it was about time because we had little water left. Next
day we hire a scooter and tour the isle. 29/7 we bunker and leave
for cala Vadella; no bouys free and anchorage to crowded. We go
to a small cala near the vila of Dirk and Magda Slabbinck. the
forecast is good so we stay there for the night and are invited
to dinner. 30/7 08.00 anchor aweigh proceed to mainland Spain.No berth in
San Antonio, proceed to Denia. We forget our bike on the pier.
18.00 moored in Denia. I go for my bike with a taxi its not to
far. 1/8 11.00 Left Denia and at 16.00 moored in Altea. 1/8 Left
Altea and moored in Alicante at 16.00. 3/8 Left Alicante and
moored at Tomas Maestre Mar Menor at 17.30. Waiting one day for
good winds? 5/8 10.00 left Tomas Maestre and moored in Cartagena
14.00. Too strong winds 5/6 waiting. 9/8 Left Alicante at 07.30
moored in Garrucha at 16.00. 10/8 08.15 Left Garrucha for
Almerimar E to NE 5, arrived 19.30. 11/8 W 6 and waiting forecast
no good. 12/8 Left Almerimar, anchored Motril bay at 18.15. 
13/8 Left Motril bay and moored at Fuengirola at 18.00.
14/8 Left Fuengirola at 11.20 and moored at La Duquesa at 17.00.
End of Sea Passage.
18/8 Excursion to Gibraltar with friends and bunkering.
19/8 Back to Duquesa. End of August I will put the boat in Almerimar for
the winter and we will be back in Ostend between 15 and 20th of
See you...... 

Yves Campana

Albert 1 promenade 16
8400 Oostende
tel/fax 003259801609
gsm: 0032477465054 
gsm Espana: 0034617938349